BLOG 2 - My first Trip to Valparaiso

 Wena mi gente good for the trips, today I am going to talk about my first trip to Valparaíso.

Well, That trip was in August of 2022 and I stayed in Valparaiso for 3 Days. 

    I went with my mates of "No Estás Viviendo Bien" productions, Mati (Her family too) and Gonzalo, so why I went to Valparaiso? 

    The reason why I went there is because we postulate a short of our productions to "Ojo de Pescado cine festival" an we won, so they invited us to Valparaiso to the festival and they give us a place to stay, food and transport. 

    They also did some Talks of professionals of the cinema area and a free tour in Cerro Alegre and the Barrio Puerto. That trip despite was short It was very intense, we watch movies, talk with new people, walk and walk, but It was a very good experience, actually a year later I think that was one of the best things that happens to me the last year. 

    I remember when I arrived Valparaiso for the first time and  I complete fall in love with that city I hope to live a season there someday. After that trip y realized two or three more trips to Valparaiso and I always enjoy at maximum that moments.

PD: this week I been hearing to "JM and Juanin los Crack del Puerto", "Spinetta" and "Silvio Rodríguez". 


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