Blog 02: Why did I choose my major?


 Blog 02: Why did I choose my major?

        Wena mi gente buena pal blog, well, I choose my major because I want to be a musicologist. I am not sure of what area of the musicology, but definitely a musicologist. I decided it after a talk of Osvaldo Cádiz about the life of Margot Loyola (The most Brigida of Chile) in 2019. before that event in my life I already had the idea of study music, but not the area. 
        I choose "Music theory" because I did not do the special test for the "Licenciatura de música" Of the PUC, I forgot to do the test. so I applied to his career. 
        I have other study options, for example "Licenciatura en historia", because I am a fan of history and I think is one of the few things that can save us, currently I study history reading books or watching classes on YT. other option that I had was literature, probably because is an art expression that I prefer to do before music. And other option was politic science. 
        About my experience in the University, it has been good, I am learning a lot of things not only music, for example about the University life, the University politic, and so many ways to understand the music and others stuffs. 
        Well that was a little of me and why I choose my major. 

Pd: this week I Benn listening to: Frank Ocean, Schoenberg, Weyes blood, and others. 


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