Blog 05: A Person in my field that I admire

 Hola mi gente wena para admirar, Today I am going to talk about a person that I admire.

        If you ask me for a person that I admire, probably I could mention a lot of people, but in this case I´ am going to talk about Margot Loyola

Who was Margot Loyola? 
        Margot Loyola was born in Linares in the 15th of September of 1918 and died in Santiago at the 3rd of August of 2015 at the age of 96 years. She studied piano at the conservatory of Chile, with teaches like Rosita Renard, Rosita Ventura, Elisa Gayán and voice with Blanca Hauser. 
        Was part and creator of groups like "las hermanas Loyola", "Ballet Folclórico Nacional Aucaman", "Millaray" y el "Conjunto folclórico Cuncumén", and others. 
      Apart of her groups, She dedicated herself to the musical investigation, principally the folklore, Its main methodology was field work in the purest anthropological and ethnographic style. She did a lot of albums and books of this topics. 

Why do you admire this person? 
I admire Margot Loyola because is incredible all the work that she did, the perspective she took, and how she helped to give voice to cultures that were forgotten by chilena culture. 

What has this person done/contributed?

A lot of things for example: Albums like "Margot Loyola y su guitarra", "canciones del 900", "Recorriendo Chile", and others. Also she wrote books like "Las cueca danza de la Vida o la muerte", "El cachimbo: Danza tarapaqueña de pueblos y quebradas", she was a very good teacher too. And finally something that I admire a lot is that she continued working in her area till her last years.
Margot Loyola | MusicaPopular.clMuseo Violeta Parra inaugura nuevo ciclo con conversatorio en torno a  Violeta y Margot Loyola


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